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Lunar South Pole - Moretus/Curtius


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Lunar South Pole!
Photo of my favorite region. Moretus'm obsessed with, it's definitely one of my favorite craters, but what caught my attention was this photo Curtius (in semi severed lower left corner) because he had never noticed that profusion of Rimae that appears sharply down his wall toward the floor.
This photo was made ​​entirely without great pretensions and at the end surprised me because the conditions for obtaining it were extremely adverse.
There was a thin layer of clouds impairing transparency, a very strong wind that often rocked the C14, a lot of turbulence in the upper layers and used a relatively exaggerated increase for the conditions.
I was forced to hire an IR Pass filter to reduce turbulence but the thin layer of clouds stole much of the radiation in the IR since it is known that they are strongly absorbed by the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere. So I was forced to raise much gain as a result generating a loud noise.
After all the picture pleased me and my greatest desire is to repeat it a day when more favorable conditions.


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