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Second proper attempt at hercules cluster


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The mount is an Eq3 pro synscan. Atm moment im having an issue with synscan when aligning 2 stars its way off target doesnt always do this so i think it maybe a sofware issue, looking at reverting to firmware v3.27, have read it's better.

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you need to rougly level the mount and roughly polar align it before you start

it will be a long way off on the first if you dont start from the park position. i would do a 3 star alignment as well to be honest

not done an alignment for a while but i think from memory if you postion the mount in the "park" position the OTA will be pointing in the direction of Polaris.


select your 1st star slew to it, then repeat for the next 2 stars. you can always choose another alignment star if you can see the one choosen for you.

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