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SW 9x50 right angled erecting finderscope - worth purchasing? & Telrad question :-)

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Good evening all,


I have the stock 250px stock finderscope and Telrad (which is awesome), however using the finderscope is kind of annoying to look down (not to mention I breathe on my Telrad sometimes! gah! lol!

I like the fact that it is right angled.... and I assume the left and right will be corrected or will it still seem reversed - left goes right & right goes left?



One more thing which I can't seem to find an answer for......... if I breathe on my Telrad, is it safe to clear the glass with a cloth or something?

Many thanks in advance!

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"I like the fact that it is right angled.... and I assume the left and right will be corrected or will it still seem reversed - left goes right & right goes left?"

I mean the SW 9x50 right angled erecting finderscope!  

*can't see an edit post button*

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Don't know about the telrad but I got a Right Angled Correct Image finder scope a couple of months ago and it completely transformed my star hopping.  Right way up and moves like binoculars - left is left and right is right.  The only slight disadvantage which probably won't effect you with a telrad, is it takes me a bit longer to find the 'jump-off' star as, instead of sighting along the barrel of the scope, I am up alongside the focuser, looking down.  

Have found all sorts of interesting DSOs as a direct result of this one purchase.

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Yes, well worth having I think. The image in the one you linked to is completely corrected so the right way up and not left right reversed. It makes it much easier to star hop to targets.

In combination with a Telrad you should find it works really well.

Telrads are pretty robust so shouldn't be any issue wiping with a lens cleaning cloth or similar

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Some but not all right angle finders give a "correct image", that is right way up and not reversed left to right, as in regular binoculars.  They are called right angle correct image or RACI for short.

If the Telrad window dews up, you can clean it with a soft cloth.  However repeated cleaning in field conditions (dusty) could maybe put tiny scratches on the plastic window and lead to light scattering.

Regards, Ed.

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