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new purchase, clear night, over the moon (if only it wasn't so bright)


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put an Ad up in the classified's earlier today for a SW ST80 to use as a guide scope

within 2 hrs I had a message back with one for sale and only 20 minutes from my house
arranged to pick it up there and then and was back home with my new scope in under 1 hr

as the forecast said clear tonight I got right to work and had it mounted and set up with my ASI 120mc in under 30 minutes

and the Moon was just coming over my neighbors roof so perfect target to set up and get focus on 

took about 10 minutes and a bit of cardboard under the back mount hoop to get both the 200p and the ST pointing at the moon

and in focus thanks to the extension tube and and T2 / 1.25 adapter that came with the scope

time to fire up PHD2 as it was starting to get dark

arcturus was sitting nicely in the west so pointed the scopes at it and with a bit of tweaking I had it centered & focused with both camera's
time then to flip over to the east and M31 as thats the darkest part of the sky for me

currently running 180 subs rock solid tracking though my graph is a bit up & down but my errors in RA & Dec are in the 0.3 range
I did go up to 300s subs but the core was way over exposed so backed off

only problem I had was for some reason my Xbox controller wouldn't work to fine tune the position of the target
not sure if PHD is locking it out but I did it manually from EQMod so no biggie
now I need to buy a USB hub as I can't have all the gear hooked up at once as my laptop only has 4 USB ports
though 2 are USB3 so I'm going to get a powered USB3 hub to deal with the focuser control, Xbox controller and have the camera's on the others along with the EQMod serial adapter

think this could possibly be a record on SGL for a classified Ad from posting to actual usage (under 4 hrs)


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