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hi people, whats the easiest way for stacking photos, or getting good pictures, i downloaded registax and then i was lost, how the hell does that work,

i have a skymax 127 goto scope and a canon dslr with the adapter so it fits on the scope, where do i go from there, as in shutter speeds etc..

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Ok lets take it a step at a time

for DSO imaging you need something like Deep Sky Stacker (free) to stack images
Registax can do stills but its more used for video / planetary imaging

shutter speed
that will depend on a lot of things, best to start off with 10 second exposures and see what you get
then you can move to longer exposures till you find they limit before you get star trails
you will also have to work out the best ISO settings as well but normally between 400 - 1600 with 800 seeming to be the optimum setting

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