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Re-size Image


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So i have an image i am happy with for a first attempt and would like to post. I am unable to upload, do i need to re-size down to 1M? i processed in Gimp and Elements and the two images are 2.7mb and 4.67mb?

How do i do this?



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You can use Gimp to resize your image. I THINk its under Edit > Image Size then you can reduce your dimenions hile hold the propotions or reduce the pixel count and save as and use a different name to keep a seperate copy of the small one. Hope that makes sense.

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Or right click on the image , select 'open with' ... "Paint" 

Then click on 'Resize' ... 'pixels' and adjust accordingly.

Then 'save as'   "PNG" rather than jpeg to avoid nasty compression artifacts.

Personally I prefer to upload to 'Photobucket' for storage and the just post the image link , used to use Flikr but it's a real mess these days I find.

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