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Has anyone ever......


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tried to take a picture of a Geo-Stationary satellite???

The reason i ask.....

In work we use a load of different satellites Astra, Hotbird, Eulsat etc etc etc

One of the guys in the SAT's team asked was it possible to get a picture of one or more of them, they are listed in stellarium so they should't be too hard to find but i was wondering if anyone had tried it before?


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Not intentionally , but I caught one during a session on M31 last year , baffled me for a while as it looked like a very slow moving satellite until I realised that it was trailing because I was tracking the galaxy and the object was actually static ...  :smiley:

In theory you'll end up just pointing the scope in the right place and switching off the tracking , getting one tiny stationary object against a startrail background.

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