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First DSO Image... what's happening in stacking?


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FInally after 18 months of visual, planetary and solar dabbling I finally got my stuff together and was able to cobble together all my kit, software, guiding and everything in order to finally try some deep sky stuff.

My target was Andromeda.  I managed 4 x 360s subs guided, and the raw data looked promising, this is a .jpg version of one of the 4 pre-stacked subs


I also took 25 bias frames with the cap on at 1/4000, and though I tried 25 darks I only managed 12 before my battery died (didn't do any flats as I don't really yet understand how to do them, but it shouldn't preclude a half reasonable first attempt right?)  I put them all into Deep Sky Stacker and ran them using the recommended settings, but I cannot make any sense of the result.  It's a different shape and doesn't seem to relate to my subs at all :


I tried just stacking my 4 lights to see what happens, but it's exactly the same but more washed out obviously,  All 4 subs look identical.  Anyone know what's going on?

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