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Melotte 15 narrowband from one year ago


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The fact I started to make some steps in order to process color pictures gave me the opportunity to re-process some older data.

Melotte 15 was a capture from September 2013, using as a guider my old friend - the finder-guider with a SSAG on it.

The signal wasn't so accurate like what I am obtaining now, so from a HUGE quantity of data I kept just the best of it, so this shot have not very much signal in the end.

240 minutes Ha

90 minutes OIII

60 minutes SII

MN190/EQ6, ATIK314L+, -10 degrees Celsius sensor temperature

The result look realistic so personally I like it.

Thank you for watching. Any advice or comments are welcome.


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That is lovely. I particularly like the depth that it appears to have. The fact that it isn't pin sharp from corner to corner creates the illusion of depth, which is something that most Astro images tend to lack. This makes me think about selective softening in the processing to recreate this effect. Food for thought. Thank you for sharing.

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