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First night out in over 2 weeks


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Hi all with work and other commitments last night was the first chance I had in a while to observe. The seeing was very clear , even after a sizeable number of pints of old rosie cider in the afternoon !  :icon_pirat:​  

I began with m13 , m57 and albiero as these I can find quite easily and they were impressive as always.

Next up were some new objects and I used the maxvision with the help of stellarium to sweep for m27 , and found it after a few minutes. I liked the ep as it was very comfortable and found the sweeping easier than I had expected. I upped the mag as high as my 6mm bco and found the dumbell seemed more of an hourglass shape to me.

Andromeda next was a bit dissapointing as it seemed a bit washed out but obviously it is an autumn / winter target so will only improve.

Then on to the garnet star which was a lovely deep orange colour well worth a look. ( Really looking forward to seeing Hinds crimson star this winter )

Finally I swept outwards from the horses head in pegasus and surprised myself when I found what I was looking for in m15. It seemed much tighter or denser than m13 and was great even at 3.30 am in the lightening skies.

All in all a very enjoyable night with some new targets , lets hope for more good viewing tonight m3 ,4 ,5 and 22 ( lovely globulars ! ) next if Im lucky. Thanks for reading my ramblings and clear skies everyone  :smile:

( Tho looking decidedly dodgy at the moment , another afternoon at the pub me thinks and trick the clouds like yesterday  :wink2: )

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Nice write up on good work.

Those low summer Messiers are kind of tricky under light sky. I'll soon be on first trip in two month to hunt M69, M70, M54 and M55.

Clear sky!

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