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Any tips for imaging the Iris Nebula ?

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The title says it all really !
I'm planning on having a go with this tonight with my 200pds, 550d combo, has anyone got any useful tips to save me a bit of time, anything like exposure times iso settings etc, all help gladly received.

It seems like months since I was last out imaging but I have recently started a new job which is 4 days on 4 days off 12 hr shifts, today being the first of the 4 off so I can spend all night out there, if the forecast stays the same that is !!!

I cant wait till winter as this has opened up loads more imaging time without having to worry about work the next day, really chuffed !

Anyway, enough rambling and I await your responses

Thanks Lee

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Long exposures of say at least 3-5 minutes will reveal the dust more. A few shorter ones say 30-60 seconds will leave the center detail a bit underexposed.After using DSS on each different series you can then layermask them in photoshop.

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