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Bubble Nebula in Ha - first light with OAG


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These days I finally started to take pictures with a TS OAG and my new QHY5II-L mono (which is an amazing camera in my opinion).

Because I was very keen to start no matter what (except the clouds, of course), I made 2 exposures 900 sec each, on full moon, to Bubble.

The result is down below. 

The figures are the following - FWHM 2.1 and roundness - 0.05 (measured in MaximDL, before stacking).

I look forward to have more exposures, but now some clouds are rolling on the sky all day long...

When some new exposure available, I will update here.

The set-up was

- MN190/EQ6 belt-drive/EQMOD, Ha 7nm Baader, TS-OAG with QHY5II-L,

- TheSky6, MaximDL and FocusMax for aquisition

- only DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT for processing, in Maxim (when more shots available, I will use PixInsight). No noise reduction, no anything else...


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Thats a great looking start! Of course more data will always help but I'm sure you're on your way to a great looking image. Its only those pesky clouds that keep getting in everyones way or a broken laptop in my case.

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Here it is my first update for this target. I took advantage of the smaller and smaller Moon and I tried to force the set-up on higher exposures time, without loosing the figures quality.

So this is a stack for 1x1200 sec and 7x1800 sec in Ha, same set-up.

I have some exposures in OIII and SII but now I'm still working on my processing  skills using PixInsight (which is something new for me).


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Great result, looking fwd to the full narrowband version, the QHY5L-II mono is great isn't it, had mine for nearly a week now  and have found the choice of guide stars  is many times better than modded LE webcam :)

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im dying to know, how did the qhy5 do with the OAG, was there plenty of stars visible. I think im gonna buy the qhy soon and an OAG.

your reply might not help too much though because im planning on using it with my edge 11 at 2800mm FL. so my field would be a lot smaller, im just worried if it will be sensitive enough to pick up guidestars like that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I combined 2x1200+7x1800s in Ha, 3x1800s in OIII and 5x1800s in SII and this is what I have.

Processed in PixInsight for colour combination and than in StarTools for fine tunning.

This is my first try to such a combination... Merci, pls...


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