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Canon 60da samyang 24mm 1.4 canon 200mm 2.8 lp filter ioptron skyguider


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You should be able to achieve some nice results with widefields. A lot will depend on the tracking accuracy, and the quality of the optics (which will determine how far you have to stop down the lens). Take a look at some of my posts in the widefield section, using a 450d and standard camera lenses. I typically use a Canon 50mm f/1.4 (needs stopping down to at least f/4) but have recently tried out my Sigma 150mm f/2.8 (works amazingly well wide open)... so somewhat similar to the focal lengths you're looking at. Mine were mounted on an Astrotrac (and prior to that an HEQ5). Mine were shot with an unmodded camera, so the mod to the 60Da should allow you to capture a lot more of the Ha emissions. 

you can get an idea of the FOV on some targets by looking 




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