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A Couple of rough disks....4th and 5th July

David Smith

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With all the cloud last couple of days it's been tricky trying to get anything. Yesterday (Friday 4th) I set up in hope more than anticipation! With the Sun getting nearer and nearer the roof tops at around 5pm I pushed the ISO up a bit, dropped the exposure time to around 1/250th and shot some rough frames. The resultant image is not great but spots can be seen and counted so it counts in my book :p  Truly did not expect to get anything from the data I had which was truly terrible.

14556650636_fcf5b28b1e_o.jpg20140704 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

Today started wet with the forecast calling for the possibility of brightness around 3pm. Around 12 the clouds thinned enough for me to grab the scope. Skies never truly cleared but I managed to grab some frames in the few-second-gaps that came over. Shot 44 in the end and stacked just 4@ 85% in R5.1. Forecast is for more cloud and it certainly doesn't look like clearing any time soon but may get another go.

14577943214_c4ddfe7d59_o.jpg20140705 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

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A least you got an image today - I have been totally clouded out all day.  Even so the image you have is worth capturing as it is good enough to give a record of the spot sizes, developement and positions that can be used with images from other days to record what is going on on the Sun.

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