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QHY5L-II Colour, but in Mono mode

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Hi all, got a question about the above and wonder if someone can perhaps assist.

I'm very new to solar imaging, and am doing what I can with a Coronado PST and QHY5L-II Colour.  I understand it's not the best setup, but it's what I currently have.

I'm using EZPlanetary software, because it's what came on the disk with the camera, and mostly I'm sticking with the highest resolution and colour mode on, with the GR setting selected.  That's fine to get me started and I'm producing results I'm not completely disappointed with.  (Considering my PST is on an old EQ2, and I'm controlling it manually, I can't complain - my AVIStacks of 200, 500 or even 1000 frame AVIs are working pretty well, so...)

My issue is when I select Mono mode.  The screen preview instantly becomes pixelated, as though a grid is being drawn over the sun disk, and videos contain this grid.  When I try to stack the AVI it's like a 400-piece chessboard has been stamped over the final image...hundreds of light and dark squares everywhere.

Now I know a Mono camera would be a better choice, and that might be the direction I go in.  However, I've read several reviews of the QHY5L-II-Colour and people often say they get it set up in Colour mode, then switch to Mono for taking the videos, clearly suggesting it's of benefit to do so.  I'm just wondering where I'm going wrong and getting such appalling results when I do this.



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