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Scope Problem - 'a pain in the butt'


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First it was Roger who was really 'cheesed off', and now its my turn :x

Had this £4k LX200R just five months, and first the Handbox died, and had to be replaced, now the RS232 ports on the scope have 'died'. :x

Came out to the obs tonight, switched the gear on as usual, only to find the scope is no longer 'talking' to the PC.

Check the PC, no problem there.

Substitute the cables to the scopes two RS232 ports. No change.

Bring the Lap-Top out, load Meade's own Autostar Suite Software on to it (don't use this on the obs PC). Same problem, no communication with the scope.

Load the Autostar Suite updater application onto the lap-top (this is used to install software updates onto the scope). Still no go.

So, I've now established its not the obs PC, as its the same on the lap-top.

Back to the obs PC.

Restore the LX200 to its Factory Settings, fortunately all my PEC data is backed up.

Try all my telescope controlling software, TheSky 6, Pempro etc etc, but the scope won't 'talk' to any of them.

Download the latest version of the Ascom Platform (several software applications use this interface). Install it, but still no go.

So, thats it the fault is within the the 'scopes' electronics. :D

Had my 10" LX200GPS for 5 years, and it never let me down once.

I'll be talking to BC&F tomorrow, and hopefully they will send me a new circuit board, which I'm happy to install, as it will be a lot easier than shipping this weighty beast back to BC&F via FLO.

So there we are, that's my tale of woe, and I'm less than happy :D


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I am not surprised you are unhappy , Dave. When you buy a scope costing several thousand pounds you expect it to work perfectly. I suppose the problem with electronic components is if they are going to fail they do so in the first few months of life. Perhaps when you get a replacement board that will be the end of your problems. At least its still under warranty and you should be up and running again quickly.


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Oh nooo , heck Dave , we are going through the mill lately . do hope you get this sorted tomorrow mate , i feels sick still, Greg Parker been e,mailing me as well, he is getting a similar set up to me EQ mount and he is worried now lol , well lets hope we can get our probs sorted soon ,


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Have now established beyond doubt, that the problem is with the 'scopes' electronics, and most likely the MAX232ACBN RS232 'line driver' 'chip'.

All other functions continue to function normally.

Today I spoke to BC&F, who were sympathetic, and as helpful as they could be in the absence of their 'technical guru/ service engineer, who is on a week's holiday.

However, although on holiday, the guy actually took the time to contact me via another forum, to acknowledge my concerns, and advise me that he would make every effort to sort the problem for me on his return to work.

I really can't ask for a better response than that, so 'top marks' to BC&F, and their engineer Steve.


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