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the Veil (WIP) & crescent nebulas...& who needs an obsy (in this weather!)


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well my scope has been out in rain-free bristol for about 10 days so far, and with the weather looking good for the next week.....well i guess, like with the footy, i shouldnt count my chickens!

the first of todays offerings is the veil nebula, which i have never imaged before, and which in doing so, gave me a great deal of pleasure. only Ha so far, but with tonights and mondays forecast looking clear, i might have the full set before long! here are the stats:

NGC6992 veil Nebula
Ashton Vale, Bristol
Camera: Atik 314L
Scope: SW Equinox 80
televue 0.8 flattener/reducer
guide camera: off axis guider, qhy5 with PHD
Mount: SW HEQ5
Artimus capture
Deep sky stacker
Adobe photoshop cc
Ha filter
11 exposures of 1200 seconds.
my second offering is of the crescent nebula....which as you may recognize, i have posted elsewhere on this forum.....but this time with added Ha subs, the longest of which was 25 mins, which captures the fainter nebulocity a lot. now after processing in my own inexperienced way, i have the following 2 conclusions:
either it is badly processed.....and in which case is a disaster...
or its not bad at all....
i suspect the former....please let me know your views peops.
cheers....and round stars to you all!



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Pinched my photons last night too :D  Not so far away and we had cloud too :(  Anyway, great start on both objects :)  I like the wider view of the Crescent showing the accompanying Ha around it. 

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Pinched my photons last night too :D  Not so far away and we had cloud too :(  Anyway, great start on both objects :)  I like the wider view of the Crescent showing the accompanying Ha around it.

Thanks Gina. Hope to add to the veil tonight. But on reflection I wish I had a pop at the eagle...but for that I have to go a couple of miles to the astro society land for a better horizon. Glad to see your back in the saddle as well, Gina.

Round stars to you!

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good morning all......yaaaawn! yet another night spent imaging from sunny bristol.........this is getting silly now!

well heres last nights 0111 subs (10x20 min) added to the Ha i shot the night before last......just a rough process mind you.

round stars to you all....



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