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Please Help Choosing Accessories for new Stargazer

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I have a Skymax 127 AZ GOTO (My first telescope ever having wanted one for years) and very pleased with it. Right now it is trial and error as I learn to navigate the night sky and lean to sync it. In the box it came with a Super 10mm, Super 25 Wide Angle Long Eye Relief 2x Barlow Lens (1.25"), Compass and Moon Filter. But there are other things I am after and browsing the internet I find there like more then one version or brand of what I am looking for (and that gets confusing), so could you help recommend what type the following please:

  • Light Pollution Filter
  • T Ring/T Adapter (I have a Pentax K-r DSLR)
  • Red Light Torch
  • A Carry Case

I have also ordered a Planisphere and a telescope book. In the future I may look at upgrading lens and eye pieces if it is necessary. 

Thank You.

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Congratulations on your new scope :-)

The 127mak is a great little scope.

The stock 10mm ep is a bit naff, but will give you reasonable views of the planets, while you are starting out. The 25mm is a better ep this will give better views of the moon, you will also be able to use it for some DSOs like star clusters & brighter nebulas. I don't use a barlow as it makes this scope too slow.

I've never used a LP filter, so unfortunately can't advise on one, For the planets & the moon you will still get good views without one, the best thing to do is head for darker skies.

The az mount is not the best for astrophotgraphy as you will get field rotation on long exposures. To use the scope with a DSLR you will need a extension tube to achieve focus, a modified webcam or afocal imaging would be a better choice to start with.

Any red light torch will do the job, I prefer a head torch with white & red LEDs, as it leaves both hands free & the white light helps with setting up & packing away.

As far as I know the only carry case is the one that comes with the 127 ota, but maplin do a flight case that should be big enough, with space to store accessories. http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/large-high-impact-case-with-pre-cut-foam-interior-n14gr

My favourite ep for my 127mak is the 9mm x-cel LX, as I've had many great nights viewing planets with it.

Hope this helps.

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Hi 'medave' and welcome to SGL.

+1 for a dew shield. Catodioptric 'scopes are more often than not nicknamed "dew-magnets".

Five other worthwhile purchases are:-

1. some desiccant or silica gel sachets, http://www.firstlightoptics.com/dew-prevention/flo-10-x-spare-desiccant-sachets.html, and an empty 35mm film cannister - (drill a few holes in base of the film cannister pop-in a few sachets, pop-on lid and leave in your 1.25" e/p holder when not using the 'scope or in storage).

2. Baader cleaning fluid and cloth http://www.firstlightoptics.com/misc/baader-optical-wonder-fluid.html

3. a LensPen http://www.firstlightoptics.com/misc/celestron-lens-pen.html

4. a 1.25" filter wrench http://www.scopestuff.com/ss_fwrn.htm%22%5D"%5Dhttp://www.scopestuff.com/ss_fwrn.htm"]http://www.scopestuff.com/ss_fwrn.htm"]http://www.scopestuff.com/ss_fwrn.htm

5. some spare thumbscrews (stainless steel or nylon) in case you loose the little blighter, (and another film cannister to store them).

6. some spare end caps for e/p's and eyepice holder on 'scope

I have lost count how many thumbscrews and end caps I have lost over the years.

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Thank you for your replies. So much to think about! Going to shop around for good prices (as you do). I also need red transparent  paper I can cut as well, to fit over my iPad. Now waiting for the moon to come out again, as that's a good place to start.

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