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Rimae Hippalus and Marth


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Rimae Hippalus and Marth

Rimae Hippalus is one of the most remarkable sets of Rhyme of the Moon, can be seen from the 9th to 10th day of the lunation.

Concentric rilles are the largest and most impressive of the moon. The best example is Rimae Hippalus forming an arc around the eastern side of Mare Humorum. The Northeast and above Hippalus a strange thing happens, there are some rilles in concave arc to the east. The most notable of these features is called Rima Agatharchides, but is actually a part of Rima Hippalus and family?

Rima, Rimae (Channel) or some selenogistas Rille (narrow valley) - Fissure or lava channel that totally or partially collapsed.

The Rimae (plural Rima) Hippalus rilles are straight or curved, or failure caused by tension in the crust. Other meandering channels are believed to have formed by rapid movement of the lava flow. Meandering channels, often originate from the collapse of volcanic vents and ramps.

In the attached picture you can see quite a crater that responds poorly known by the name of Matrh (yellow arrow), Marth is a strange crater, even for a concentric crater. Its inner edge looks taller than average and fills the entire floor of Marth.

According Chrales Wood on smaller photo, Rick made by processing an image in the camera angle garnde LRO reveals something that is visible in the early pictures, but I had not noticed before. An apron of lava surrounding mare and Marth, more extensive on the east, and not at all visible to the west. The apron is a slight increase - as indicated by the narrow inflection caused by a thin partial shade cast by the edge of the high horse. A small round spot high horse stuff is often a volcanic dome, but it is unclear if this is the case here; However, the fact that surrounds Marth then suggests that the two are related. Often swelling like a dome with surrounding pre-existing hills, and that may be the explanation. It seems that the apron Marth interrupts the rille near him, Ramsden II, which would mean that the apron is the newest material. But Ramsden II also stops just to the southwest of Marth, where no more new material is observable. So Marth based on an apron marginally high horse -. but I do not think that this implies that the concentric crater Marth is volcanic.

Source: Avani Soares - LPOD - LROC

Partial text: Charle Wood / LPOD

Adaptation: Avani Soares

Note: Photo not posted on AstroBin obtained due to poor quality caused by poor seeing 2/5!


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