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Milky Way And Set-up From Fuerteventura

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Not a very pretty picture, but I took this whilst I was imaging the Lagoon Nebula (M8) which is here ->  http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/216263-it-was-nice-to-see-you-m8/

It shows the set-up I was using and the problem with the light pollution, though it was still quite dark as this is a long exposure and the MW was clearly visible. You can also see a slight haze over the sea. The promenade lights were huge and about 500 yards away. Luckily I had my LP filter which really helped even though these images are taken facing out to sea. I can't believe that all this was crammed into my suitcase, though the most expensive bits barring the tripod was in my hand luggage, hardly any room for anything else. Note that it isn't pointing quite at zenith or anywhere near it in fact.

What you can't see to the left and to the right are convenient wind breaks to help eliminate the buffeting wind!

A composite image taken on the Canon 7D with the Canon 15-85mm @ 15mm comprising the following:
1x68 seconds @ ISO200
18x15 seconds @ ISO2000

I didn't have a second tripod so this was taken balanced on a chair...

Thanks for looking.


Imaging The Lagoon Nebula (M8) by StuartJPP, on Flickr

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