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Atik 314l+ attachment question ???

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HELP ???!!!!

I am trying to attached an Atik 314l+ to an Atik EFW1 to a ff/fr to a SW ED80 and I am struggling with the adapters and spacing.

My target from chip to ff/fr is 55mm

The backfocus of the camera is 13.5 mm

The thickness of the EFW is as near as I can tell 21mm and it appears that T2 extension tubes will screw straight into the EFW (???????)

The required 48 - T2 adapter to go onto the ff/fr is another 10mm

Adding those all together and subtracting it from the required 55mm should give me the required T2 extension tube length ???

13.5mm + 21mm + 10mm = 44.5mm

55mm - 44.5mm = 10.5mm T2 extension tube required.

Does that sound right or am I being thick ????

I think I need

Couldnt find them in the UK ????!!!


Thanks in advance to anyone that can stop my head spinning!!!!

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