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What is WinJUPOS ??

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Dear all,

I accidentally came across a brief reference to some software called 'WinJUPOS'

After some brief research, I do not understand at all really what it does? Is it another stacking program? It's just that I saw this ridiculously detailed image of Mars on this entry on Astrobin, which referred to this mysterious software:


Any noob friendly advice would be most welcome ;)

Thank you.

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It cleverly compensates for the rotation of planets over long imaging runs... ie ; the red spot will move if you capture for more than about 3 minutes ish, winjupos moves it back :-)

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So is that all it's notable for? I heard something about labelling and mapping and videos of rotations of the planets? What does this all mean?

WinJUPOS can align L/RGB channels from a mono camera with planet rotation compensation, can de-rotate long AVIs, it also can make maps or animations from planet images. More advanced users make drift maps or given features (Jupiter, sometime other planets). It also has ephemerides and thats what you see on that image - a prediction of what you can see on Mars for given time and location.

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