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Saturn, another try. 14 May


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Had another go at Saturn last night. Only had about an hour before the moon washed it out. Here is my best shot so far. Got a few more images to play with but they will have to wait. Images done in PIPP and the registax followed by a bit of PS ( trial on PS running out so need to be quick doing the others).



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Good effort though a little dark and in need of RGB align in registax. Something like this though still rather yellow which rgb balance wont fix so probably needs colour settings tweaking during capture.

Hi, thanks for the tip, here is another go with a RGB align. Cant seem to get it much brighter without losing detail.14may5a1_zps631632b9.png

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Sorry I forgot to say I'd done RGB align on your image to remove the red fringe. As you say contrast is effected when raising the brightness but too much contrast shrinks the rings. Looking at it now I probably have raised gamma a little too much.

What camera are you using btw?

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Sorry I forgot to say I'd done RGB align on your image to remove the red fringe. As you say contrast is effected when raising the brightness but too much contrast shrinks the rings. Looking at it now I probably have raised gamma a little too much.

What camera are you using btw?

Its a Neximage c5. The image was very low and early in the evening. Think if i had let Saturn get a bit higher it may have been better but then the moon would have washed the image out.

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