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Best de-bayering and stacking software?


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Just wondering what people find most effective?  I've been using DSS to stack my Atik 460c subs, but at 100% my stars are multicoloured rather than smooth.  So I was wondering about alternatives?



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MaxIm DL of course ! - and so the 'argument' goes on and on. I have never had a problem with MaxIm for these two tasks but some users just don't get on with it. <br />

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Sent from my iPhone from somewhere dark .....

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Thanks :smile:

Shoot out at dawn then - as I have both :wink:  

I use Maxim for capture and don't find the debayering of individual subs looks very good, but its a long time since I tried a full stacking routine with  Maxim, so I'll give it another go. 

On PI, I'm on rung one of the learning ladder!  But I REALLY must make the time to get climbing :wink:  From a quick look there does seem to be a lot more guidance and support on the PI website now.  


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The problem with debayering is this (for the geekily inclined ;)):

a) Truesense, Sony and others do not provide a colour profile for processing during debayering and their filters vary over models

B) The bayer matrix is destructive as it filters out information on each of the pixels - therefore it's never going to be as good as mono LRGB. As you know on the upside it means a picture in the UK climate ;)

c) Debayer methods range from the simple to the more complex (SSD debayering works out the vectors for the colours from a radius, then takes the top five directions - hence results in a far better result but it's patented..) each have their own subtle issues on the reconstructed image.

d) Bayers have a pixel offset and direction … so this means to one developer it's labeled RGGB and to another it could be labeled BGGR with a host of others between.. 

On PI, just go: Process > Colour Spaces > Debayer .. I'd use VNG with BGGR if the filter is anything like the GP OSC bayer. There's also batch debayering (including CYMG) under the batch menu :)

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On a favorable note for PI is the registration and stacking. It is 100 times more complex than what MaximDL supports and certainly bends just about anything to fit anything ;)


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