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Choice two telescope: a refractor or reflector.

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I have the opportunity to acquire a telescope Nexstar SLT, but I have the doubt which model, I want one that is not too specialized, more general, telescope and I've noticed two
  A refractor 102mm and 660 mm, and a reflector 130mm F / 5
In your opinion which may work better for general astronomical observation?
Thank you very much for your advice

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Very similar focal lengths although the frac will be "slightly" easier on lower cost ep's. the reflector has more apeture so more light grasp. the frac doesn't need collimation like the newt.

So....that was helpful hey ;)

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Both are a good choice (sorry!) The refractor will require no maintenance and is good for traveling around the UK with. The stars will also look more pin-point and objects will have slightly more contrast as there is no central obstruction. The reflector has a little more light grasp and objects will appear slightly brighter but the instrument will need periodic collimation to keep stars looking sharp (easy once you've done it a few times).

I would have the refractor for low power, wide field views.

Don't expect miracles at high power with either scope, they have a short focal length and are not 'geared' for high magnification. Despite the literature blurb, a safe bet for the max useable power with an F5 instrument is the same as the aperture (not 2 x the aperture). So about 100 - 130x power max with either.

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I vote for the reflector.

The 102/660 has a little less apperture and the focal ratio will not be suitable for high magnification / planets, as Jim said.

The reflector 130mm is not the best for high magnification, but I have a similar one, and also the Nexstar SLT. If it is not a bad mirror, 200x should be very possible. Another downside of f/5 is the large secondary mirror, limiting contrast.

It is true, better eyepieces are a must at f/5, but honestly, it is a matter of taste. Also, HR Planetary or BST Explorers are not that expensive. I even use a plössl and erfle regulary at f5.

The 5" f/5 reflector - in my case the heritage 130p - is the best thing I ever got, despite owning a 10".

The Nexstar SLT is far from beeing perfect regarding backslash and such, but more rigid then I had expected for that kind of money.

Still, if I had the choice for a new telescope and the money to spend for a telescope, I would not invest it in a cheap alt-az go-to mount. IT is nice at times and for SIMPLE imaging. Not more though due to the fact it is not equatorial and not as precice as more expensive mounts.

A 6" or 8" dobsonian will cost less, show more, and leave some budget for great wide-field eyepieces that will compensate the need of tracking at around 200-250x IMHO.

Whatever you get, I hope you will have fun with your future telescope :-)

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