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I have a niggle with Stellarium at present....help!

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I fresh install stellarium and it boots up default, from the middle of a field looking south, all very good.

If I then add an eyepiece and a telescope into the ocular view, when I subsequently reboot, i don't see the field, only a small patch of stars. I cant zoom in OR out and I can't scroll to anywhere else on the screen. It all unlocks as soon as I select/de-select the ocular view. The only way I can get back to the default  field is to re-install, or select the ocular view. Surely the program should just start from a default view, ie the field ( I know how to re-set locations, but don't see why I cant access anything until I switch to ocular, not sure when this started occurring, but its annoying now. What am I doing wrong! I though I had stellarium sussed?

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Aaaaaaaaaghhhhhhh?  Found it. User error obviously.

When I adjust the telescope, Lens, Ocular settings, I then choose the Configuration Page, Main, Save Default settings!  I`m doing this whilst still looking up at the sky, so during the next boot, it shows the same bit of sky at the tighter FOV.  Doh!

Its late.........!

In fact got to go to bed now........UK road trip ahead.

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