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Focal reducer question


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On my set up I have the focal reducer directly onto the visual back of my 8" SCT, and then the meade microfocuser, then my canon DSLR which is at a perfect 106mm distance from FR.

My question is when I change my set up for planetary imaging, I still use the focuser but have to remove the focal reducer, which can be a pain, would it make much difference if I left the reducer on and used a 4x powermate instead of 2.5x to increase the mag to what it would be roughly without the FR, Or would leaving the reducer, meaning more glass in the train lead to,other problems

It would just be so much easier to leave the reducer on all the time, because of the way the meade 1209 microfocuser attaches to the scope.



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Yes I tend to agree, I will have to rethink my imaging train


And Peter did you receive the finder bracket today, I sent three items and the other two people received there's this morning.

Just wondered


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considering how difficult it has been to get decent seeing conditions for planetary imaging, the last thing you want to do is compromise any images by adding more glass between the camera and the planet. its a pain having to remove things for different types of imaging, but no more so than staying up until 1am to see Saturn earlier in the year then have cloud over every time   :evil:  

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