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?..... as on the coast we do have the usual sky glow so I need to move into the countryside to get a decent dark sky

Hi Frank, I'm new to astronomy. As part of my (very large) learning curve can you explain about sky glow near the coast? Does this happen on all coastlines? How far inland do you need to go? Thanks. LG.

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Hi Landgirl

                   The Sky glow near the coast is quite interesting. I actually live in Great Yamouth so forget dark sky but if I walk onto the beach and have a nice alcove then I gain about 3 to 4 magnitudes visually so it's shielding that is important. All the lights around here are downlighters so sky glow is less of a problem that it used to be. If I go down the coast to where the LYRA club meet  at Pakefield then it's pretty dark,  the Milky Way is faintly visible as are 5 or 6 of the Pleiades.  So to answer your question like all places it depends on how close you are to large light sources like towns as to how dark your sky will get. Blind Pugh on the lovely Isle of Tiree will be able to see the gas clouds in the Milky way on a good night, so the basic advice is get away from towns.

I hope this helps and answers your question.

PS Apologies for the trady reply Work gets hectic at times!!  FC

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