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Turtle Planetary Nebula

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... or not! I was hoping to get an image of this (NGC 6210) last night. I did 8 x 360s of which 5 are stacked in this image. But no obvious sign of the turtle (shape) even after processing :( This was with my 150pds and qhy8l. However, I think it's there as the bluish dot highlighted in the cropped image. Oh well.

Also some of the stars seem to have 'comet tails' - as they are towards the edges not sure if this is just the effects of coma with fainter stars?

Any feedback gratefully received :)




Cropped version (Turtle?):


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You need to stretch these way way more to bring out any nebula details sir. Try levels in Photoshop.


I've stretched as far as I could without making too much noise. Processed in StarTools and in CS2. I think the object is small and the nebulosity too faint. I think it's the dot that I highlighted... I think I'd need a longer focal length to pick it up properly.


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Hi Lady,

Great effort louise, but to be realistic you need about 2.5 meters of FL to get a decent scale of this one, it is very small and very dim, Mag 12+.



Hehe thanks! I thought I was probably over optimistic - it doesn't show up as an image in Stellarium, just a marker.

Um, what do you think of the comet tails - just coma?



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