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M97 and M3


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Just to show how tempremental my mount is being at the moment, got over an hour of perfect guiding on M97 last night. M3 was a bit of an afterthought, just grabbed it as i noticed it had popped over the roof of the house so only 8 minutes of 120s subs on it and it has a small error in guiding.

Really need to figure out flats though, dust bunnies are showing.


Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what the small patch of nebulosity is to the lower right of M97? It's on other pics but i can't find a reference.


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Aladin is an easy way to find things like this: http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/. Start it up, Enter M97 in the location bar and press enter. Then put the cursor over the smudge and if it's in the Sinbad database it'll show up in blue below the picture.


ahh thanks... didn't think to try aladin. had it installed for a while and hadn't used it :D

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