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Nice one mate. Is that first one M67? Also do you know what settings you used? I found if you put all this kind of information in when posting pictures in here people might chip in with suggestions etc.

good stuff though



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The first one is M37 & the second is NGC 2281, the settings were 30sec exposures @ iso 800 10 of each & 10 darks then stacked in dss, I was going to post it in another post post that i did earlier about not being able to  get enough focus but i coud'nt find it so i started this new one

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managed to get some shots last night with my camera & scope combination what do you think:attachicon.gifm37.jpgattachicon.gifngc2

Those are really good for first attempts, have you managed to get the mount Polar aligned properly yet?  You have a little star trail. Once you get the mount sorted out you could probably go up to 120s unguided as the scope and camera combination is light so the weight won't be an issue. The stars at the edege also show the limitations of the image ciircle on a large chip so you do need a flattner to get the stars pin sharp to the edge. There is an SW flattner that I found works well with the Ascension and does not cost the earth about £60.00 I think. Well done and lets see some more photos.



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before the clocks went forward, I was getting polar alignment more or less bang on without having to realign but now for the time being i seem to have lost it will stick with itand it will get better, I got better with the camera & tripod  the other night  with a shot of capella for 45 secs so i know i can do better with the scope 

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I can only echo the previous sentiment - polar alignment is so important.

I'm not sure how the clocks changing makes a difference to your PA???

Keep at it - you'll soon be getting some really sweet pics and the feeling when you get a 3 minute sub that looks like frozen time is just sublime.

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