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Has anyone else on here had a play about with this new camera control software yet? 

Downloaded it this morning and tried it out, couldn't get it to detect the 5100, then re-booted the laptop and got it up and running while I was in the house, no worries. Took all my kit out and hooked it up but when I re-started the laptop it again wouldn't detect the camera was connected. Tried all the usual stuff, turning camera on/off, laptop re-boot, restart program, tried another program to make sure the camera was detected on that, re-booted again, camera on/off again like a madman, curse at camera and laptop and go inside and get the webcam instead. :cussing:

Am now back inside and about to start stacking the webcam images but thought I would shout on here to see if anyone else is using backyardNIKON and come across this, I have not gone to the backyard forums yet to have a read there, that will be my next port of call. Will also try hooking up once more in the house and see if it detects it now.

Anyone have any use of it so far or similar issues and simple fixes? :icon_scratch:

Cheers now.

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Bear in mind that it's a beta issue and will have bugs ... 

Any reports , queries , comments or complaints need to be made on Guylain's support forum so that they are all in one place to give him a chance of addressing them ...  :smiley:

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Bear in mind that it's a beta issue and will have bugs ... 

Any reports , queries , comments or complaints need to be made on Guylain's support forum so that they are all in one place to give him a chance of addressing them ...  :smiley:

Thanks Steve, Yeah I got a minute and went through and read the info on the forums and it seems there is some connectivity issues right now that should be improved with the release of the next version some time this week apparently.

Thought would ask on here first because I know SGL gets a lot of traffic and maybe someone had come across the issue before and there was a quick fix.  Still toying with just buying a Canon and being done with it!!

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