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Saturn with a small scope


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Pushing it a bit too far with this one given the seeing conditions last night, but need to post it here to justify processing it :D

ED80 with stacked TAL 3x and Televue 2x Barlows

Pre-processed with Ninox 2.48 and stacked in Registax 300/1400 frames

Bit of contrast, curves and colour balance, despeckled and saved

Will do the 'proper' (TAL 3x barlow only) ones later...



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Given the 'seeing' last night, that's pretty impressive for a planetary image Tony.

Just goes to show, that if you take enough frames, there might just be enough good ones in there to make a decent image.

I assume you used the web-cam?

BTW, hope we'll see you tomorrow night.


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Given the 'seeing' last night, that's pretty impressive for a planetary image Tony.

Just goes to show, that if you take enough frames, there might just be enough good ones in there to make a decent image.

I assume you used the web-cam?

BTW, hope we'll see you tomorrow night.


I'd gone out earlier to have a go at Mars but the seeing was so bad i gave up after about 15 mins. I decided to have another go, this time at Saturn at around midnight. Although the seeing was pretty bad there were brief moments of clarity. I figured if I captured enough avi's at a maximum rate of 10fps, i should be able to get enough frames to smooth things out a bit providing I could find a fairly decent reference frame. The later avi's seem to have some extended periods of reasonable quality (enough to make it worthwhile processing anyway).

Looking forward to seeing the SGL Easy Anglia bods tomorrow :D


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