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Mars 15/4/14


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Judging by a lot of the comments, I missed the main show last night as I was observing around midnight and missed a lot of the brighter/striking features on display earlier in the night. Also, the local seeing was quite poor which really restricted the sharpness of the view and as a result, the detail visible. In my notes I described it as 'hard to make any sense' of the detail as it was jumping about so much.

Eventually I got the detail sketched as well as I could and the result is below.

Looking at the Calsky image for the time and scope I was using (12" f4) I actually managed to get down the detail visible in broad terms and if you squint and stand on one leg it vaguely resembles the image.

still getting used to the pencils but they give quite a pleasing result with little effort. in years to come they will provide a more interesting read than handwiriting alone, that's for sure.



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