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Ps3 eyetoy long exposures

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Hi there,

A while ago I found a topic here with an awesome picture of m42 taken with a ps3 eye webcam and I decided to give that webcam a try as well. So I bought one and modified it a couple of times until I could finally get focus on my newtonian without using a barlow lens.

Now I have 2 problems:

What capture software would allow me to take long exposures with this webcam? The eyetoy is said to be capable of that but so far the only software I could find that gives me control of the shutter is phd.

What objects other than m42 would I possibly be able to capture with 2-4 seconds exposure since m42 is pretty much out of sight?

Thanks for your help

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you could try some globular cluster like M3 and/or M13

M81/M82 i think they are a bit too faint, i remember when i tried 30sec. exposure with my canon 1100D i could barely see them in the shots.

But try them as well......you never know :)

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I don't think there will be a huge amount.

Web cams seems to be planetary capture devices although I don't hear many people using them for dso. Don't mean they can't.

Give it a try and prove people wrong!

Good luck

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I captured M51, M13, M57 and M27 with my very first LX webcam.

So these are all possible, M13 and M57 would be my first choices... Both fairly compact for their brightness - so make capturing a little easier.


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Ok I tried the eyecapture program but the installer refused to do its job because I have .net framework 4.5 instead of 4 blablablablaa. Tried to install 4 again but then the machine started to get all popuppy.

Would phd be any good to take images? At least it allows me to change the shutter.

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