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Value of telescope

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I am trying to find the value of a German 8 inch dobsonians telescope ST TSSU 850 W. One of our elderly members husband has passed away she now has a telescope which is to big for her to use on her own, so trying to sell it for her but don't know what I should expect to get. Any help would be appreciated.

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It's difficult to be exact without knowing the precise brand and model but this sounds like it could be one marketed by Telescope Services in Germany. On the used market the value of an 8" dobsonian of that type would be around £180 - £220 assuming that it is in good order and the mirrors are clean.

A good place to sell used astronomy equipment is the UK Astro Buy & Sell website:


You need to register but that is free and posting some photos will help sell it.

I hope that helps  :smiley:

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Thank for replies you could be right it has two finder 8 x50 and a smaller one plus it has a very big tripod that it fits. It's not actually her husbands it's her telescope but she is unable to physically lift it and set it up without her husband. Could sell on eBay as well but want to put reasonable reserve on it. I might take pictures and post on here so people can see what I am trying to value. Already people have tried to rip her off saying it not worth much and offering peanuts, she is a lovely old lady and I doing my best to get a good price. Trouble is when I research on internet it all comes up in German.

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To be honest I think if it's just a fairly standard 8" dob then it may well only be worth £180 to £200.  If on the other hand it has particularly good optics or it's unusual in some other way then it could be worth more.  Identifying it would be a good first step, so posting a photo or two would probably help.


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