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2nd go at Saturn


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Not the dslr for this one. Used an Orion Starshoot with a 3x barlow.

Still getting used to the camera and the capture software.

Cheers Matt - it was the scale and width of field that suggested DSLR, my error.

There's quite a lot of Fixed Pattern Noise (vertical banding present) in this, which should be improved with bias or dark frame subtraction.    Otherwise if you mask Saturn for the stretch, you could then invert the mask and drop the levels for the background which would give a nice dark background.          Saturn is relatively dim and distant so a hard capture for all of us - requiring more gain and longer exposures that Jupiter.     Although I don't know this camera very well, a quick image search of 'Orion Starshoot Saturn' seems to yield plenty of comparative images.    An excellent start and look forward to see how these develop over the coming months.

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Great image. Wells done. I always amazing to think how far away that planet is, but how much detail you've managed to capture!

It's quite dim; was the initial video that dim? If so you need to brighten it up a bit before capturing, lengthen the exposure time, increase the gain.

But smashing work :)


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thanks for the tips Jake. I am still very new to imaging and have a slight grasp on some things. I get and know about bias and dark frames for DSLR AP, I don't know how I would take them with this glorified webcam and integrate them with Registax. 

I am pleased with this image though as it is way better than my first attempt at imaging Saturn only a few moths ago. This was my first attempt and I think my 5 year old could have drawn it better with Crayons lol.


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Thanks for the tips Jake. I am still very new to imaging and have a slight grasp on some things. I get and know about bias and dark frames for DSLR AP, I don't know how I would take them with this glorified webcam and integrate them with Registax. 

I use firecapture for the capture stage - this does have a basic dark frame subtraction feature which is simple to use, though this is a single dark frame and therefore not terribly useful.   Recently I have been shooting short runs of dark frames (100 frames or so), I can stack these to create an averaged Master Dark Frame - this is then subtracted from the captures during stacking.   I use Autostakkert 2 (Beta, which has an image calibration menu with options to load a Master Dark or Flat frame.   Personally I find AS!2 much quicker and better for stacking than R6, though I still use Registax for wavelet sharpening at the end.

I think this could be quite useful for removing the fixed pattern noise, definitely worth an experiment.      The other thing is to try and find optimal settings for the Neximage that produce the minimal FPN during recording, usually an optimal balance of gain and exposure - can't advise for this camera and your options will be somewhat limited with a dim target like Saturn, but worth trawling the forums to see what settings other users of this camera are using for Saturn at similar apertures.

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