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Can't choose which telescope should be my first!

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Orion SpaceProbe 130ST Equatorial Reflector Telescope

Orion astroview 90mm EQ refractor 

What I generally want is to have a pretty good view of Saturn and Jupiter, you know, see Jupiter's moons and Saturn's rings pretty decently as well as being able to view some galaxies and clusters. 

I know that both of these scopes one better than the other but which one do you think will do both pretty decently? 


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Welcome to SGL.

I'm pretty new and so I'm sure someone in the know will advise far better.

I thought that Refractors may be better for planets and Reflectors maybe better for DSO like galaxies and nubula.

Wait to be corrected!

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Welcome to sgl the 130 will be better on everything than the 90mm refractor but if you can save a bit longer and get something bigger it may pay dividends. Mind you if you are anything like me saving is difficult if I don't spend it it gets swallowed up by something else.(usually my daughter)

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Where about in Kentucky are you, As said if somewhere like Lexington there is a good chance of an astro club and visiting one is a good way of seeing what equipment is used and means you can talk to real people.

Scope wise, from what you mention as the preferred objects I would look at a 90mm dia 900mm focal length refractor. Over here they are sold as Skywatcher Evostar 90's, I am not 100% sure what they are sold as on the US but likely under the Orion name, maybe as a Celestron.

One would be good for the items mentioned, you would need to update the eyepieces and look at the Astro-Tech Paradigms for this, for Saturn and Jupiter you will need to think about the 5mm and 8mm ones to get the magnification required.

Decide which mount type you want and can get along with. The equitorials look complicated but follow the basics and that will be OK for visual use. Set the latitude angle to 38 and you should be OK.

Try looking at astronomics, eyepiecesetc, argena astroproducts. They are at least more specialised in scopes and have a good selection, the other being telescopes.com

Any additional thoughts and perhaps a budget to spend would be useful. If you want a bigger much better scope there is always Fort Knox I suppose. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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