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M45 old data re processed in pixinsight


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M45, Pleiades

High Res version "https://flic.kr/p/m6jDBc"

Old data from a nikon D5100 reworked in pixinsight along with using new processing methods

Scope: Orion Optics VX6 with 1/10 PV upgraded optics

Guide Scope: Skywatcher ST80

Guide Cam: QHY 5 Mono

Mount: Skywatcher HQE5

Camera: Nikon D5100

Exposure: 18x5 Minute Subs, 10x Darks, 10x Bias, 20x Flats, 20x Dark Flats

Technical: iso 800, 750mm f/5

Software: DSS, Photoshop CS6, Pixinsight, PHD


M45, Pleiades by Gareth Harding, on Flickr

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  • 3 weeks later...

Superb, please share your workflow if you get a minute :)

Sure its as follows

* Screen transfer function

*SCNR tool (remove green)

*Fast Rotation

*Dynamic Crop


*Background neutralization

*Canon banding tool

*colour calibration

*Histogram transfer tool ( i do 2 clones for masks

*channel extraction tool (on 2 clones extract luminance layer for masks)

*colour saturation tool (masked)

*Multiscale medium transfer tool (inverted mnask, change to 6 layers disable first 2 noise reduction on next 4)

*HDR tool (masked)

*Contrast curve (masked & inverted mask until happy with image)

*ACDNR tool (inverted mask set std dev to about 6.6)

*ACDNE tool (masked set std dev to about 3.0

*Curves (do on separate channels masked & inverted masked at until you are happy)

that's everything i did to the image in a nut shell :)

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