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remote camera control without computer?

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Hi folks...

I was thinking of trying to get the appropriate lead and using my synscan hand controller to automatically take dslr exposures. Then I read about something called an 'intervalometer' that seems to do the same thing.

Would anyone recommend either of these method or is there another way of taking exposures without having to manually release the shutter? I am aware of the computer software that does this but I can't afford to invest in a laptop at the moment!

Look forward to your replies.


p.s. I am on hols in Australia at the moment and am loving the skies...Orion is upside down here! 

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I used an intervalometer with my DSLR for a while before I moved across to the laptop, something like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Time-lapse-intervalometer-remote-timer-shutter-for-Canon-DSLR-500D-450D-Camera-/321239845011?pt=UK_Photography_DigitalCamAccess_RL&hash=item4acb630893.

They are programmable for x number of exposures at x seconds, so you really can leave it alone and not touch the camera.

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I use one all the time with great results especially for star trail shots at about 2 minutes each.and then stack them using starstax. I have a funny story using one. If you choose to get a wireless model be careful that you don't stick the controller in your pocket and start walking around too far away from the unit on the camera talking to people or walking the dog or your gonna waste an entire night out there. Don't ask me how i know this..;-)

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I have got one of these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00C1C0WQC/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 which is great when I want to take a series of exposures, or exposures longer than 30 seconds, but I do not want the hassle of setting up the laptop to take them.

You can not do some of the more advanced stuff like lift the mirror 'x' seconds before opening the shutter, but for timelapse, or for working in a field where you do not have all of your kit it is great.

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Search on Amazon for Nikon Remote Timer.

Should give one/several that all look the same and are branded Shoot.

Cost is around £25.

The above search gives 546 results, looks like the ones to fit a Nikon are around £12.

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