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Which WO triplet is the best value for money?

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Been web window shopping and isolated the WO FLT-98, FLT-110 and GT-102. The FLT's are so much more expensive, and I can't figure out why? The FLT's are only slightly faster, also have a R&P focuser, have the same glass standard, so why the difference in price? 

Basically I guess when I win the lotto and switch to refractors, I'm wondering if the extra £££ for the FLT-110 is worth it?


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For whatever reason the WO FLT-98 seems to have become the standard, even though the 110 may be bigger the 98 has such a name that the 110 will be compared to it, and will somehow not match up. Don't ask why. People may well ask if you have a 98, but not ask if you have a 110. Strange world.

The GT ahd GTF's started out in limited numbers and are not sold here in the case of the 102's. No idea why. I don't thinkthe new 81's are available here either now.

The 81's were initially left to one side by FLO. I know WO put not so good focusers on but their lens are generally good. So no real idea why they waited to see how good they were. So the GT series is a bit ignored.

In the US people use the GTF-102's as visual scopes, excellent as imaging scopes but the flat field is also good for visual, so they buy the GTF-102's for visual.

Did look to posting a few hours ago but the ISP kept dropping out.

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For whatever reason the WO FLT-98 seems to have become the standard, even though the 110 may be bigger the 98 has such a name that the 110 will be compared to it, and will somehow not match up. Don't ask why. People may well ask if you have a 98, but not ask if you have a 110. Strange world.

The GT ahd GTF's started out in limited numbers and are not sold here in the case of the 102's. No idea why. I don't thinkthe new 81's are available here either now.

The 81's were initially left to one side by FLO. I know WO put not so good focusers on but their lens are generally good. So no real idea why they waited to see how good they were. So the GT series is a bit ignored.

In the US people use the GTF-102's as visual scopes, excellent as imaging scopes but the flat field is also good for visual, so they buy the GTF-102's for visual.

Did look to posting a few hours ago but the ISP kept dropping out.

Wide screen centre show they stock the US versions, going to call the now to confirm! Though, I just came across the TS photo 115 APO, with dedicated reducer bringing it down to f/5.2.....the price is about £1400 ex postage, with postage estimated at Euro 26 from Germany....I think this may be a serious contender!

Thanks for getting back to me! 

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I have a WO 110FLT and it is superb , not sure if they're still making it as it seems to have disappeared from a few retailers listed stock. With the WO Reducer /Flattener 1V  it's fast enough for astrophotography and also excellent for visual which I understand can be a problem with some of the new "astrographs" being neither fast enough for astrophotography or able to reach focus with some diagonal/eyepiece combo's.

Well worth the extra.


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I am not really the best one to ask, have 2 WO scopes and there is no way I will ever part with either.

Nirvana for me would be waking up to find an FLT-132 Triplet with my name on it.

Suspect that the APM LZOS items are better but I honestly cannot get excited over them.

Yes I am a hopeless case.

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Teleskop-Service sells the FLT 110 version and has them in stock even.


Description of this Scope sadly on in German tho.

What a price though!! Haven't got hold of widescreen center yet, theirs is £1899, while TS is asking EUR 2499...£2080 roughly.....

The FLT98 is a tiny bit faster than the 110, and with a shorter focal length seems to be the better......though I'm always tempted for aperture, living in London I need photons quickly!!! Either way, I need to save or sell something.... 

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