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Deep Sky Stacker output question

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Hello all.

I am very new to all this but I have managed to get a batch of RAW images into DSS and processed them but the output is a monochrome image that I cant convert to a JPeg in PaintShop.

I have found that if I Save As a 16bit tif can be saved as a JPeg in PS but its still monochrome.

Am I doing something daft ????

Where has my colour gone !!??

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DSS output files are normally saved as a 32bit TIFF not many software programs can handle these so saving it as a 16 bit TIFF is the  way to do it.

The best free software for image processing is GIMP the latest version (might still be beta) can handle 16 bit TIFFS.

You will find that the colour is still there in the output file but it takes a bit of processing to get it out, best done in small steps.


OOps just noticed that you had Paint Shop so you may be fine with that.

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