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Bonkers from Bucks!


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Thanks Rob and Stephen.

Hi Kevin. Nice website you have there! I like spicy food too! I went through a phase of eating lots of pickled jalapenos particularly in the morning. I developed a sore tongue, went to the doc and she said I had burnt the papillae off my tongue! I had to wait till they grew back! :shock:

I also hate cruelty to animals. My 8-yr-old daughter's the same. She told me about some kids at school stamping on worms and she started crying. Wonderful child. I told her to tell the kids next time that they have just taken a life. I will be giving a talk about my pets and their habitats at the school in the summer. Can't wait for the shocked reaction when my hissers hiss! He he!

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Hi all,

My name's Alex(andra) or anything as long as it's not rude! I've had a passion for astronomy for a long time but never really studied hard until a few years ago when I also got my Celestron C6-N, 6" Newtonian. Having a spot of bovver due to inexperience and dyspraxia (and a few probs with scope) but the passion is keeping me going! I'm also doing an Open University short course called Introducing Astronomy which is filling in lots of gaps including forcing me to do maths which I hate!

I'm also mad about snakes, reptiles in general and invertebrates. I have a corn snake called Whizzbee, two giant Madagascan hissing cockroaches called Rock and Roll, two discoid roaches called Buffy and Cordelia, two Tanzanian red-legged millipedes called Inky and Pinky, a Taiwanese stick insect called Flo, a Macleay's stick insect called Lilly plus a hamster called Millie and a few fish!


And people call me mad for keeping birds of prey! A Female Peregrine called Jess, Male and Female Harris Hawks Called Fish and Chips, (don't go there!) And a Eurasian Eagle owl called Pippa, who is blumming Huge!

only have a recent pic of Jess at the moment, hope you like her.


(click to enlarge)

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Oooooh aries I'm just sooo jealous! Birds of prey are my favourite birds, particularly owls. I have had the pleasure of stroking some but have never had one on my arm. My twin sister's called Pippa, but I'd better not call her huge as we have weight probs in the family!! :D

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