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Focusing manual lens - fine focus control and lock?

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I'm looking at getting a fixed focal length telephoto lens for astrophotography.  The commonly used Canon 200mm f2.4 L is beyond my budget, so I'm considering getting a manual focus SMC Takumur 200 f4 as a far cheaper alternative.  My only concern is making sure that I get really good focus and that it stays in focus during the imaging run.  The Teleskop Service micro-focusser seems to fit the bill as a solution.


Is anyone using one? 

How good/necessary are they?

Are there any cheaper alternatives?


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have never used the micro focusser so can't advise on that

super takamur are good lenses,i use the 55mm one on a nikon it holds focus fine,but at 200mm i guess you would want something to make sure you don't lose focus

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