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A small but useful suggestion for Synta ~ Skywatcher


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Would you please install a small back up emergency power supply in your SynScan  mounts, be it Eq3 pro or EQ8. I am sick and tired of loosing the power to the mount at a breeze, everything has to be started all over again. All it takes is a cheap small rechargable batterypack with an instant switch over to continue powering the  mount for a couple of minuttes untill the proper power is restored back. These battery packs are a penny to a dozen in China. You will be doing yourself and your customers a great favour.

Many Many thanks for listening and even more Thanks for doing something about it.


A.G ( Skywatcher customer )

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I have had it happen more times than I care to remember with my NEQ6. I blame the cigar lighter power connection. I normally velcro the connector to my table now and that seems to have solved the power cutting out. If it weren't for the helpful fuse in the connector, I would have changed to a different power connection long ago.

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