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The moon is easier :)

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I thought I'd give Deep Sky Stacker a try tonight.

 It seems a good idea to start out on something easy and just see what you get out of DSS on default, so I pointed my camera at the Pleiades. I shot 41 light frames, 14 dark and 18 bias (which I'm sure is a completely mad ratio). I kept the numbers low so I didn't have to leave it processing for hours. The framing is rubbish as well, but it's not really anything more than a toe in the water. More errors than anything else, but this is the result.

Niklon D7100, Sigma 120-400mm @330mm, 1.3" @ f/5.6, ISO 800


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What was your exposure time?

Nice first DSO!

 He quoted 1.3"  :smiley:

It's a very good start, I've processed a few images now and still struggle at times.

The main problem I have always found is that do not try and make the sky pitch black. For some reason us new to this all want a pitch black sky, but in reality it isn't pitch black and when you do this to the images the definition of the stars seems to go wrong. So don't be afraid of leaving what may look like a weak sky colour.

I'm looking forward to what you post next, a great start.

Well Done!

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