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Nebula filter

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at 90mm be alittle careful, I find that the uhc and o111 filters work best but don't like scopes under 120mm much. In those I tend to use a softer one like a simple orion skyglow that let more light in but still help with contrast.

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Don't think it will be a problem - as long as you use larger eyepieces,  (use lower magnification).

Don't see a problem with the OIII filter or the H Beta - but I am not sure about the UHC variety.

With a telescope of your aperture you will most likely need a OIII filter to see the Veil Nebula when it swings around in the summer....and that is a treat.

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I would not use an H-Beta filter with a 90mm scope for visual at any rate. There are relatively few nebulae that benefit from it and those are beyond the reach of the 90mm aperture I believe.

I've used UHC filters such as the Orion Ultrablock in smaller aperture scopes and it's worked pretty well at enhancing the contrast of nebulae such as the Veil, the Owl and quite a few others.

I've also used O-III filters with small scopes and they worked well although personally I'd avoid the Baader O-III filter in such scopes as it has a narrower band pass width than many other O-III filters which dims the stars in the field quite considerably.

To some extent though it's a matter of preference of how you like to see your objects - personally I like to see the nebulae in the context of the surrounding star field.

My preferred choice in a 90mm aperture scope would be a UHC on the whole I think. 

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