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First time in what seems like ages - Flame Nebula

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For what seems like the first time in ages I got the scope out this evening and actually managed to do some imaging :-)

I wasn't planning on a late night (Oh well that seems to go to pot every time), but before the flame nebula disappeared behind next doors house I was able to get 11, 10 minute shots @ ISO 400.  


The full image can be seen at http://www.astrobin.com/80925/



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Hi Tim,

I couldn't see it but the seeing seemed quite bad last night.  I used Astrotortilla to dial in the scope.  It was taken at prime focus, no barlows.

Before I had the EQ6 I had an EQ5 pro with dual motors and the shoestring adapter.  I used to use a program I had knocked up that drove my camera and the dual motors to "zero in" on co-ordinates.  I never finished it though as I got the NEQ6.  I used to plate solving an image, what came back from that solve was used to set the dials on my scope, I would manually  make the large adjustment from the dials, plate solve again etc.



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Hi Ross,

Thanks. Is the EQ5 pro with synscan accurate enough (assuming proper polar and star alignment) to locate a faint object like that without a visual fix? 

I guess the only way is to try it out really Lol. Dial in the object, slew, then take some images and see what appears!

I'm a complete newbie but would love to get pics like yours. Roll on summer.


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Hi Tim,

With a synscan would astrotortilla work?  If it does then I would recommend going that route.  It takes a lot of the guessing out.  I'm not sure how well things will work without guiding.  I modified my finder scope fairly quickly as I have to setup/take down every time so accurate alignment was taking half the night and still limiting exposure with my old setup.  

I'm happy enough with this time of year, dark nice and early so I don't need to be up too late just to get a couple of hours in ;-)


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