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Meade LXD75 10" UHTC Schmidt Newtonian

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Not so much advice but understand why you might want a Schmidt-Newt.  

Great optics and quicker to equilibrate than a Mak-Newt, just need a good dew hood/heater; should work well with the EQ6pro.

I too have seen one for £680 but think the high price is due to motorised Crawford more than anything else, so too pricey for me.

Aiming to find 10" SN below the £300 mark; missed recent ones at £180 and £165.

Good luck with your hunt.

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Hi, can you say what sort of budget you have to hand?  Also, what is your priority for use, Solar System or Deep Sky?  It makes a difference to your choice.  Having been through these types of choices I would recommend concentrating on acquiring skills in visual before going anywhere near imaging!

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