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Viewing Comfort Advise

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Hi guys

Thanks for all the help so far on the forum ;)

I just started this hobby with an Orion XT8i Telescope. I'm really enjoying so it far - the views and being outside observing - and only viewed from my semi light polluted suburban area.

The main issue I have which I am hoping someone can advise me on and give their experiences, is comfort while viewing from a chair...

The only time I find it comfortable is when the telescope is looking just above the horizon, then I can shift my chair under the front part of the telescope (snugged in close to the ep) and put my eye at the eyepiece with my back keeping straight. (I just turned 30 btw). But in any other position (which is most of the time), when the scope is pointing upwards I find viewing puts a lot of strain on my back having to hunch over at the eyepiece. Even after like a few minutes of viewing my back takes strain. I've tried kneeling on the chair with its back facing my chest, and its a little better, but still not comfy enough to view for like 30 minutes or so in comfort.

I just wanted to find out if this is normal or if I'm doing something wrong? And what other peoples experiences are? This is the one area that frustrates me because I love viewing the object, like Orion's belt, but find I can't view for more than a minute before my body is paining somewhere.

Thanks a lot for the feeback

God bless


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